Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Project co-financed by the European Union under the “Connecting Europe” Facility
“Facilitating sustainability of the comprehensive network by increasing the availability and efficiency of the Police Seaport”
2024-11-30, We have selected the contractor for the feasibility study for the heavy quay
Due to the high level of advancement of design work for the task “Construction of a heavy quay in the Port of Police”, we were able to prepare a feasibility study. The execution of the feasibility study will allow us to apply to CIENA for co-financing of construction works related to the heavy quay.
2023-09-27 Signing of a contract for the construction of a heavy quay
Zarząd Morskiego Portu Police Sp. z o.o. has achieved another milestone in the implementation of the study project – a contract was signed for the development of Design Documentation for construction works for the project entitled “Construction of a heavy wharf in the Police Port”.
2024-07-31, The contractor of the design works applied for a decision on environmental conditions for the heavy quay
An important stage of preparation of design documentation for the heavy quay has been reached – the designer, on behalf of the Police Sea Port Authority Sp. z o.o., applied to the Regional Director for Environmental Protection in Szczecin for a decision on environmental conditions. The decision will determine the boundary conditions of technological solutions and subsequent operation of the quay.
2023-04-06, We have selected the contractor for the feasibility study for the railway junction
Due to the high degree of advancement of design works for the task “Construction of a railway junction for the Police Port together with the necessary technical infrastructure as part of the construction of the railway line No. 437 to the Police Sea Port”, we were able to start work on the preparation of a feasibility study.
2023-02-06, We applied for a building permit for the construction of a railway junction
As part of the task “Construction of a railway junction for the Police Port together with the necessary technical infrastructure as part of the construction of the railway line No. 437 to the Police Sea Port”, the design documentation was accepted, which allowed the Management Board of Morski Port Police Sp. z o. o. to apply for a building permit. Reaching this milestone means entering the final stage of preparation of the design documentation for the railway junction.
2022-12-20, Another important step in the implementation of study works
Zarząd Morskiego Portu Police Sp. z o.o. has accepted works related to the implementation of the contract of August 29, 2022, the subject of which was the development of a program and spatial concept for the investment “Construction of a heavy quay in the Police Port”.
The purpose of this study was primarily:
- getting to know the maximum possibility of expansion, extension of the mooring line of the Police Sea Port,
- determining the maximum units that will be able to moor to the quay as a result of adjusting the depth in the Police Canal to the depth of the Świnoujście – Szczecin Fairway,
- determination of navigational aspects for maximum ships,
- expansion of the Police Sea Port in the context of the implementation of tasks related to the use of the potential of the Odra Waterway and the strategic goals of the Polish economy by increasing the possibility of importing raw materials of key importance for the economy by sea in accordance with the “Strategy of Grupa Azoty for 2021-2030”,
- determination of the maximum potential for expansion of the berth facilities in terms of storage yards.
The most important elements covered by the study include:
- construction of a heavy quay constituting an extension of the existing sea quay at the Police Sea Port,
- conceptual solution of track and communication systems,
- conceptual layout and design of universal storage yards.
The implementation of the program and spatial concept opens the way to commissioning design works in the field of Construction of a heavy wharf at the Port of Police.
2022-12-16, We have obtained a decision on environmental conditions for the railway junction
Zarzad Morskiego Portu Police Sp. z o. o. obtained a decision on environmental conditions for the project “Construction of a railway junction for the Police Port together with the necessary technical infrastructure as part of the construction of railway line no. 437 to the Police Sea Port”. Obtaining this decision allows entering the final stage of designing the junction.
2022-10-11, Co-financing from the CINEA Agency for study works
Zarzad Morskiego Portu Police Sp. z o.o. has signed a Grant Agreement with the CINEA agency (European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) for co-financing of study works. The funding was granted under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) financial instrument.
Project title: “Facilitating sustainability of the comprehensive network by increasing the availability and efficiency of the Police Seaport”
The total cost of the project is: EUR 3,477,582.
Co-financing: EUR 1,738,791.00.
Project start: 21-07-2021.
Project completion: 20-12-2024.
The general objective of the project is to improve the accessibility and handling capacity of the Police Seaport by providing access to the railway network and improving the accessibility from the water side for seagoing vessels with a draft of up to 12 meters.
The general objective will be achieved through the following specific objectives:
- increasing the competitiveness of the Seaport in Police by increasing the share in servicing international trade, especially in the Baltic Sea basin taking into account the economic development of the entire West Pomeranian Voivodeship and the simultaneous improvement of the maritime transport system,
- creating access by rail to the Police Seaport,
- improvement of handling efficiency and accessibility to the port from the water for seagoing vessels with a draft of up to 12 meters.
The project includes study works for two tasks:
- Development of design documentation for construction works for the project “Construction of a railway junction for the Port of Police with the necessary technical infrastructure as part of the construction of the railway line No. 437 to the Police Seaport” with a feasibility study. As part of the railway junction, it is planned to connect the Port with the railway network (line 437) and the creation of railway sidings – min. 5 tracks of usable length min. 750 m.
- Development of project documentation for the investment ‘Construction of a heavy quay in Police Seaport’ with a feasibility study. As part of this task, it is planned to build a heavy quay with a planned length of approximately 300 meters (this is an estimated value that will be verified at the stage of preparing the technical documentation), thanks to which the total length of the heavy quay in the port will be approx. 715 meters. The main result of this task will be the improvement of water access to the Police Seaport.